Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Stained Glass Kites

As part of our Matariki week at HNI, we decided to include this celebration into our weekly Art lesson. Our task was to create our own stained glass kite out of clear dura seal and tissue paper. This was a step by step process, which had us measuring out our kite first using black paper to create the frame, before using the tissue paper to make patterns which represent Matariki.
They look fantastic hanging up on our windows!


  1. I love your stained glass kites.The patterns are really cool

  2. Good job guys! They look great and have an awesome effect on the window. Next time you could possibly make them bigger, so we can all admire them from far away! :)

  3. Good job guys! They look great and have an awesome effect on the window. Next time you could possibly make them bigger, so we can all admire them from far away! :)
